Podcast and Blog

science of reading

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S3 Ep15 - Four Points to Consider When Pacing Phonics Instruction

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Hi there, welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast, it's Jocelyn here coming to you from Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. At Jocelyn Seamer Education, we believe that every child has the right to be taught with evidence-informed instruction and that every teacher has the right to be supported to make that happen. It's a nice idea to always base instructional decisions on research. It would be wonderful to have certainty in this way,…

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2 People Standing at a Table with Laptop and Notepad

S3 Ep12 - What to Expect When Working with a Consultant

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Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast, where we talk all things school and literacy.

This episode was recorded on the lands of the Palawa people here in beautiful Pataway, Burnie in Tasmania. We discuss a wide variety of topics on the Structured Literacy Podcast, everything from phonics to morphology and text-based units, and this week I'd like to deviate from our usual content and talk about what is involved in working with a consultant. Now, …

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Teacher with Lots of Students at Desk, Posing

S2 E4 - High Engagement in Low Variance Instruction


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Hi there. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast, coming to you from Pataway Burnie here in gorgeous Tasmania. I'm Jocelyn Seamer, and I'm so pleased that you've decided to join me for today's episode. Before we begin, I'd like to ask a favour of you. If you find value in the Structured Literacy podcast, can you please do the usual rating and subscribing, and then can you hop on your socials and share your favourite episode? Our purpose in produc…

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Rocket Launching

S1 E21 - Reasons the Wheels Might Fall off Your Whole School Approach - Part 4

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Hello there everyone. Welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast. I am Jocelyn coming to you from Tasmania, the beautiful home of the Palawa people.

I need to apologise in advance for my voice. One of my delightful children brought me home a gift from school, which was a cold, and as much as I've tried to shake it, it's hanging around. But I'm not going to let that stop me from showing up for you so that we can make sur…

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Students on Floor with Hands Raised

S1 E19 - Reasons the Wheels Might Fall off Your Whole School Approach - Part 3

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Hi everyone. It's Jocelyn here with the Structured Literacy Podcast coming to you from Tasmania, the beautiful home of the Palawa people.

Anyone who has ever said that teachers don't work hard clearly has no idea what they're talking about. I've never met a teacher or spent time in a school where there wasn't a flurry of activity intended to result in improved student outcomes of one sort or another. When it comes to our literacy approa…

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Laptop with Graphs

S1 E18 - Reasons the Wheels Might Fall off Your Whole School Approach - Part 2

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Hi there, it's Jocelyn here. Welcome to the Structured Literacy podcast coming to you from the beautiful home of the Palawa People, Tasmania.

In our last episode, I shared the first reason that the wheels might be falling off your literacy improvement efforts. and if you haven't listened to that episode, all about the need for strong, decisive leadership, I'd suggest that you go back and have a listen when you have a moment.

Are …

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Wheel Off

S1 E17 - Reasons the Wheels Might Fall off Your Whole School Approach - Part 1

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A difficult discussion
You've chosen your phonics program, had everyone trained, and have begun to teach. At first, things seem to be going well, but a year or so down the track, you still aren't seeing those text-level results you were hoping for. This scenario is really common.

Hello there. My name's Jocelyn, and I want to welcome you to the Structured Literacy Podcast. Today I'm going to share some observations from my work with schools about …

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S1 E15 - 8 Myths of Reading Instruction that Every Teacher Should Know About

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Transcript Summary

Myth No. 1 -  learning to read is as natural as learning to speak.
Myth number one is that learning to read is as natural as learning to speak, and this is where this idea that if we just immerse children in rich text, if we have language-rich environments for them to grow up in, then all will be well and they'll learn how to read. That's where this comes from. 

Now, it's absolutely flawed, and I'm going to read to you a paragraph from my book, R…

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Stepping onto Bus

S1 E4 - How Many Feet Does Your School Have on the Bus?

In this week's episode I explored the concept of making sure that you have both feet on the bus. To understand what I mean by that, we need to know what it means to be 'on the bus'.

This idea of the bus was something that occurred to me a few years ago. It was the idea that we're all moving in the same direction, that everybody is welcome and that we are part of a network of primary teachers and leaders committed to advocating for the right of every child to be t…

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Confused Direction

S1 E3 - How do I know if resources are evidence aligned?

Once you have embraced the idea of prepared programs and resources, the next big question you face is, 'How do I know that this tool is evidence aligned?'  This week's episode explores some key criteria to look out for when making important, and often expensive, decisions. 

Here are the highlights from this episode: 

I have 12 criteria for you to consider when selecting literacy tools and resources. They are as much about how students are taught as they ar…

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