Tuesday Tip - Be Laser Focused on Building Foundational Skills Regardless of Age

In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss the importance of foundational skills.

Video Transcript

Hey there folks, it's Jocelyn and it's time for a Tuesday tip. Foundational skills are critical if children are going to engage deeply with reading and writing, but it can feel like a struggle to fit it all in, as well as all of that more robust deep learning. My tip today is about having a Absolute laser focus on building foundational skills for students, regardless of age.

If students need phonics,…

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Cover Art

S3 Ep15 - Four Points to Consider When Pacing Phonics Instruction

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Hi there, welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast, it's Jocelyn here coming to you from Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. At Jocelyn Seamer Education, we believe that every child has the right to be taught with evidence-informed instruction and that every teacher has the right to be supported to make that happen. It's a nice idea to always base instructional decisions on research. It would be wonderful to have certainty in this way,…

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Flat Tyre

S3 E5 - When Having the Right Stuff Isn't Enough


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Hi there, everyone. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast recorded here in Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. Today on the podcast, I'm diving into a situation that many of us find ourselves in. We have ALL the things in school, but our results aren't what we were looking for. We've purchased a phonics program; we're building our decodable text stocks; we have ditched benchmark assessment, and we may even have engaged a consultant…

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Small Alarm Clock

S2 E5 - How Do We Know That It's Time To Start And Stop Reading Decodables?

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Welcome to this week's episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast. Coming to you from Pataway, Burnie in gorgeous Tasmania.  I'm Jocelyn, and I'm so pleased that you've been able to join me.

In this episode, I'm going to discuss a question that comes up often in our live events and online forums.  That is, how do we know when it's time to begin and then move on from using decodable texts?

For a lot of years, decodable texts were very limited to…

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Arrows on Wooden Planks

Beyond Basic Phonics

As teachers seeking to work with the research evidence about reading and reading instruction, we acknowledge the Big Six Ideas of Reading and plan our classroom instruction accordingly.   However, this post is not about incorporating all of those elements. Today I am writing about going broader and deeper with the phonics we are teaching and how we can help our Year 2 and 3 students understand the full complexity of the alphabetic principle and how words work. I will also discuss how we can brin…

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