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structured literacy

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S3 Ep25 - Shifts to move to a structured approach in Years 3 to 6 Part 2

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Well hello. Thanks so much for joining me in this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast, which is part two of our two-part series about shifts to make in a structured approach to literacy in years three to six.

In our last episode, I shared guidance for adjustments that we can make in word-level knowledge and spelling instruction and in how we choose text and run a reading lesson. In this episode, we'll continue our exploration of shifts in practice, focusi…

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S3 Ep24 - Shifts to move to a structured approach in Years 3 to 6 Part 1

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Hi there, welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast. I'm Jocelyn, and it's wonderful to welcome you to this latest episode recorded here in Pataway, Burnie.

Right now in Tasmania, it is almost mid-winter, the Ugg Boots are out, the fire is lit and we are snuggling up against the cold. That doesn't mean that the hard work of supporting teams in their structured literacy journey stops, though.

In the last episode of the podcast, I shared a suggestion of the ord…

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S3 Ep15 - Four Points to Consider When Pacing Phonics Instruction

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Hi there, welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast, it's Jocelyn here coming to you from Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. At Jocelyn Seamer Education, we believe that every child has the right to be taught with evidence-informed instruction and that every teacher has the right to be supported to make that happen. It's a nice idea to always base instructional decisions on research. It would be wonderful to have certainty in this way,…

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Tuesday Tip - Mentor Text VS Stimulus Text

In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss switching from mentor text to stimulus text.


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It's Jocelyn with a Tuesday Tip. We all know that authentic, beautiful texts are fantastic to work with in the classroom. They're not just a nice to have, they are a must have. We often want to use those texts as the jumping off point for writing. And today I want to talk to you about the language we use to describe these texts.

We often refer to them as mentor texts. And the trouble with this…

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Teacher Showing Students Paper

S3 Ep13 - How to Engage Reluctant Students in the Classroom

Hello to you and welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast recorded here in beautiful Pataway, Burnie. My name is Jocelyn and it's wonderful to have you here with me. We have all known a student who we believed can perform skills, such as reading and writing, and have become frustrated when, day in, day out, they produce very little work or appear to be making very little effort to engage in the work we've assigned. I've heard the followin…

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2 People Standing at a Table with Laptop and Notepad

S3 Ep12 - What to Expect When Working with a Consultant

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Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast, where we talk all things school and literacy.

This episode was recorded on the lands of the Palawa people here in beautiful Pataway, Burnie in Tasmania. We discuss a wide variety of topics on the Structured Literacy Podcast, everything from phonics to morphology and text-based units, and this week I'd like to deviate from our usual content and talk about what is involved in working with a consultant. Now, …

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TT - The Role of Set for Variability

Tuesday Tip - The Role of Set for Variability

In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss building up your students' set for variability.

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One of the key milestones in learning to read is developing a set for variability. That means that you can sound out an unknown word, pronounce it a little incorrectly, and then tidy it up based on your knowledge of oral language. It looks a little bit like this. He has a, has, has a dog. The child didn't guess then, they sounded out, used their phonics knowledge and tidied up the pronunciation…

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Part 3 sticky note

Research to the Classroom: Daily Review Part 3 - Teacher Talk

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Hi there, welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast. It's Jocelyn coming to you from Pataway Burnie, here in the absolutely gorgeous Tasmania. I am joined today by Jo Griffin, who is here for our Teacher Talk episode all about retrieval and daily review. Hi Jo, how are you going?


Hi Jocelyn, I'm great. Excited to talk to you today.


Thank you so much for joining us, or, joining me here after school in the evening. So, everyo…

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Flat Tyre

S3 E5 - When Having the Right Stuff Isn't Enough


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Hi there, everyone. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast recorded here in Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. Today on the podcast, I'm diving into a situation that many of us find ourselves in. We have ALL the things in school, but our results aren't what we were looking for. We've purchased a phonics program; we're building our decodable text stocks; we have ditched benchmark assessment, and we may even have engaged a consultant…

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Woman Working at Table with Books and Laptop

S3 E1 - Getting Clear About What is Important in 2024

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Welcome back.
Welcome. Welcome. A thousand welcomes to the first podcast episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast for 2024. Today, we are kicking off our second year of the podcast recorded here in Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people.

Today's Topic - Getting Clear and Setting Goals.
I'd like to start us off for the year with an episode all about goals. Now, don't worry. We aren't going to run through a process of making our goals SMART as in speci…

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