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Part 2 sticky note

Research to the Classroom: Daily Review - Part 2 - Teaching


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Hello and welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast coming to you from Pataway Burnie right here in Tasmania. This episode is the second in this Research to the Classroom series about daily review and retrieval where we will unpack practical aspects of this practice and share tips for you to use it in the classroom. If you haven't listened to the previous episode about the research behind daily review and retrieval, I suggest …

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Woman Working at Table with Books and Laptop

S3 E1 - Getting Clear About What is Important in 2024

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Welcome back.
Welcome. Welcome. A thousand welcomes to the first podcast episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast for 2024. Today, we are kicking off our second year of the podcast recorded here in Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people.

Today's Topic - Getting Clear and Setting Goals.
I'd like to start us off for the year with an episode all about goals. Now, don't worry. We aren't going to run through a process of making our goals SMART as in speci…

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Success Favours the Prepared Scrabble Tiles

S2 E1 - Your Semester 2 Success Plan

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Hi there. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast. It's Jocelyn here bringing you this episode from Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. If you are a teacher in Australia or New Zealand, it's the start of Semester 2, 2023, and it's time to have a think about what you are hoping to accomplish over the rest of the year. If you're listening from the Northern Hemisphere, you are heading towards a new school year, this post will be just as help…

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Sleeping on Desk Cartoon

Applying the 80/20 Rule in the Reading Classroom

We teachers often lament the lack of time and the overcrowded curriculum.  Now I’ll grant you that I think we could leave out a whole chunk of ‘stuff’ and our kids would be just fine, but when it comes to reading instruction what would it mean to us if we could view our time through a lens of ‘only do what is the most important?’.

Black Camera Lens

The 80/20 rule, known as the Pareto Principle, states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort.  While these numbers aren’t an exact science they do lea…

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