Podcast and Blog
rich texts
Tuesday Tip - Mentor Text VS Stimulus Text
In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss switching from mentor text to stimulus text.
Video Transcript
It's Jocelyn with a Tuesday Tip. We all know that authentic, beautiful texts are fantastic to work with in the classroom. They're not just a nice to have, they are a must have. We often want to use those texts as the jumping off point for writing. And today I want to talk to you about the language we use to describe these texts.
We often refer to them as mentor texts. And the trouble with this…
Using Rich Text to Build Language
Once we understand the need for explicit language and writing teaching, the question becomes, “Exactly what does this look like in a classroom?” This post aims to begin to answer that question.
Quality picture books.

A particularly engaging and effective method of building language is through the use of quality picture books. This is by no means a new way to explore and contextualise grammar. I highly recommend Joanne Rossbridge and Kathy Rushton’s book “Convers…