Podcast and Blog

decodable texts

Flat Tyre

S3 E5 - When Having the Right Stuff Isn't Enough


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Hi there, everyone. Welcome to the Structured Literacy Podcast recorded here in Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people. Today on the podcast, I'm diving into a situation that many of us find ourselves in. We have ALL the things in school, but our results aren't what we were looking for. We've purchased a phonics program; we're building our decodable text stocks; we have ditched benchmark assessment, and we may even have engaged a consultant…

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Boy Reading Book

S1 E9 - What does 'authentic text' really mean in the Australian curriculum?


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Transcript Summary

When the words predictable texts were removed from the Australian curriculum in 2022, supporters of structured literacy cheered very loudly. For years, arguments against the inclusion of predictable or levelled text were met with the response, "But it says in the curriculum that children should be using them," and you'd think that having those words removed from the curriculum would be the end of the discussion, but no. The reason that this d…

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Decodable Readers Australia - Level 1 - Resources

Decodable texts - how do we get it right?

It is now generally accepted that decodable texts of one sort or another are a key part of a systematic approach to reading instruction. Decodable texts provide the practice students need to develop strong decoding skills with reading material containing limited graphemes and sentence structures. In light of the announcement that all NSW Foundation classrooms will receive a delivery of decodable texts, let’s dive deeper into the what, when, who and how of decodables in learning to read. 

What, when, who


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