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S4 Ep4 - Connecting Explicit Teaching and Engagement in Years 3 to 6 Spelling

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Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast.

I'm Jocelyn, and today we're diving into a topic that's pretty important for teachers in grades three to six:

How do we connect explicit, structured spelling instruction with opportunities for application and engagement?

Now I know what some of you might be thinking, Jocelyn isn't explicit teaching of spelling just about repeated practice and low variance instruction? Yes, that's a f…

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Teacher Showing Students Paper

S3 Ep13 - How to Engage Reluctant Students in the Classroom

Hello to you and welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast recorded here in beautiful Pataway, Burnie. My name is Jocelyn and it's wonderful to have you here with me. We have all known a student who we believed can perform skills, such as reading and writing, and have become frustrated when, day in, day out, they produce very little work or appear to be making very little effort to engage in the work we've assigned. I've heard the followin…

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