Podcast and Blog

text based learning


Tuesday Tip - Mentor Text VS Stimulus Text

In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss switching from mentor text to stimulus text.


Video Transcript

It's Jocelyn with a Tuesday Tip. We all know that authentic, beautiful texts are fantastic to work with in the classroom. They're not just a nice to have, they are a must have. We often want to use those texts as the jumping off point for writing. And today I want to talk to you about the language we use to describe these texts.

We often refer to them as mentor texts. And the trouble with this…

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Students Sitting on Floor

S2 E7 - What goes into a great text based unit?

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Hi there. It's terrific to welcome you back to the Structured Literacy Podcast. I know that you have many choices when it comes to podcast listening, and I don't take the time you spend with me for granted. I want to say a big thank you to those people who've reached out to let me know that they find the podcast helpful. It's exactly what I hoped for when I started it. I also want to remind you that you can find the complete transcript of each …

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