Podcast and Blog
Tuesday Tip - Visuals on a lanyard
In today's Tuesday Tip, I discuss using visuals to gain students' attention and enhance communication, especially for those with autism, auditory challenges, etc., by keeping them handy on a lanyard.
Video Transcript
So it's Tuesday and that means there's another tip coming your way. Being a teacher is really hard and getting children's attention can be one of the most challenging things that we do. Today I want to talk about the power of visuals to do that.
If you have a…
S3 E6 - 5 Things to do Instead of Asking for Hands Up
Hello. Hello, it's Jocelyn here with another episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast coming to you from the gorgeous Padaway, Burnie in Tasmania. I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, life is good, and your confidence in building a structured approach to literacy is growing a little each day. You see, this teaching caper is not about doing one magical thing on one magical day and looking up to see that every problem has…
Show AND Tell
The start of a new school year (or term, or week, or day) brings with it a desire to establish routines and expectations in our classrooms. It is usual to spend time with students talking about rules and outlining what will be expected of all members of the class. These will be reinforced each day as you give instructions to students. You might ask them to enter the classroom quietly or move quickly to pack up.
This is all great if students understand what it is you want them t…