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S3 Ep16 - Planning To Make Report Writing Easier

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Hello and welcome to this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast. I'm Jocelyn and I'd like to send some virtual hugs to all Australian teachers who are approaching reporting time. We know that we're busy all year, but reporting is a unique time in the calendar. I recall, year after year, the stack of student work, topped with on-balance judgment sheets, in a neat line across my lounge room floor. I crossed every I and dotted every T to make sure that my …

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Purchasing on Laptop on Couch

S1 E20 - How to Look After Yourself During Report Writing (It's not what you think)

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Hi there, everyone. It's Jocelyn here from the Structured Literacy Podcast, and I'm so pleased to welcome you to this episode. I'm coming to you from Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people, and the sun is shining today, even if the wind is a little cold.

This time of year lets us know that reports are approaching if you are teaching in Australia, and if you're listening to this episode when it was released at the start of June 2023, y…

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The C Grade

This post has previously been published, and has been republished on 27/11/2021

It is report time in Australia right now and tens of thousands of parents are either reading, or about to read about their child’s academic progress over the last two terms.  All schools in Australia are required to grade children’s academic results on a 5 point scale.  In many schools this is represented through A – E grades, with a C grade meaning that the student has learned to complete the skill or task reason…

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