Podcast and Blog

Managing Wellbeing

Together is the Way - Letter Blocks

S2 E13 - What does it mean to be a productive member of our education community?

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Hi there. I'm so pleased that you could join me for this episode of the Structured Literacy Podcast, recorded here on the lands of the Palawa people of Tasmania. I'd like to start by paying my respects to elders past, present, and emerging and acknowledging the special relationship that Indigenous peoples of Australia share with the lands and waterways on which we have the privilege of living. 

Today's Topic - Being a productive memb…

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Purchasing on Laptop on Couch

S1 E20 - How to Look After Yourself During Report Writing (It's not what you think)

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Hi there, everyone. It's Jocelyn here from the Structured Literacy Podcast, and I'm so pleased to welcome you to this episode. I'm coming to you from Tasmania, the home of the Palawa people, and the sun is shining today, even if the wind is a little cold.

This time of year lets us know that reports are approaching if you are teaching in Australia, and if you're listening to this episode when it was released at the start of June 2023, y…

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Woman Flexing in front of Red Brick Wall

Why don't I feel confident yet?

There’s a curious phenomenon that many teachers experience when they begin to shift practice towards structured literacy.  They start to do a bit of reading before quickly ‘going down the rabbit hole’. After a little while they come to understand (or hope they understand) the fundamentals of the evidence of reading instruction, then something funny happens. Suddenly, they feel lost and begin to doubt every single move they make.  They second guess every decision, every moment of instruction and …

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Cartoon Woman Choosing Between Good and Evil

Struggling with Self-Doubt? Don't Believe Everything You Think.

For a while now I have been in contact with an early career teacher who co-teaches with a teacher who is more experienced than her. This arrangement might work out beautifully, except that the more experienced teacher is an ‘expert’ in a balanced literacy approach and the early career teacher is firmly ‘on the bus’ of evidence informed practice. This leaves my young colleague in the precarious position of taking 2 steps forward and then doubting everything she does.  I know that there are so man…

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Why bright shiny things are not the answer

The new school year has started and most people here in Australia are a week or more into their new class. I remember when I was first teaching and every year I would imagine how it was going to be when the next batch of shiny eyed cherubs landed in my room. I would spend  hours programming, preparing and trying to ‘up the anti’ on what was happening in my room. Inevitably I exhausted myself before school even started.   And then of course, what came from that was actually not good. Because I ha…

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