Being on the bus means: 

"Being part of a network of primary teachers and leaders committed to advocating for the right of every child to be taught to read with evidence based teaching practice. We do this by continually developing our skills and knowledge through quality professional learning, dialogue with other teachers and actively participating in our education community."

8 Key Actions of the Science of Reading

  • 1 - Intentionally teach oral language concepts and skills
  • 2 - Explicitly teach phonological and phonemic skills
  • 3 - Explicitly teach background knowledge and vocabulary
  • 4 - Teach phonics systematically and explicitly
  • 5 - Teach phonics using a set sequence
  • 6 - Closely monitor progress and reteach as needed
  • 7 - Teach blending and segmenting together
  • 8 - Provide decodable texts that align with your phonics progression

Are you on the bus in 2023?

When you board the bus of evidence based reading instruction, you are joining a group of committed teachers who are determined to create change in their classrooms and schools.  If you believe that every child deserves to be taught to read according to the Science of Reading and are hungry to develop your teaching craft, then consider joining me in 2023.  

Throughout 2023 we will explore the 8 key actions described above,  showcase the work of real life teachers and celebrate the positive action that occurs in classrooms each and every day. 

Through a dedicated Facebook page, you will have access to: 

  • Plain language information about the science of reading
  • Examples of practice from real life teachers
  • Information about  the 8 Key Actions of evidence based reading instruction
  • The chance to network and learn from other teachers who share your goals 

For school leaders and senior teachers, the 8 Key Actions provide you with a professional learning calendar for your entire school year.  

How you can be an advocate for evidence based reading instruction

You can join me in advocating for every child's right to evidence based reading instruction by: 

- Promoting the Science of Reading and encouraging others to join you on the bus of evidence based practice. 

Encouraging and supporting other teachers, particularly those who are feeling overwhelmed or challenged by the idea of changing their practice

- Engaging in collegial discussion IRL (in real life) about the science of reading and host or participate in local events with other teachers.

- Contributing to the group by celebrating your wins, asking and answering questions thoughtfully and participating in professional discussions. 

On the science of reading bus FB group pic