Making Sense of Structured Literacy

Overcoming Misconceptions for a Smoother Change Journey
A FREE 5 day email program

Each day for 5 days you will receive one short clip along with downloadable resources

Shifting practice can be challenging, but much of the difficulty we experience as we seek to grow in our teaching comes about because of misconceptions we have developed over the years. Having misconceptions doesn't make us bad teachers. It makes us human.

Our school might have identified an area to adopt change in and might even have decided on a program or approach to get there. We participate in the professional learning and all seems to make sense, but when we try and put these new things into place in our own classroom, the voices of doubt creep in.  At Jocelyn Seamer Education, we have one mission: to make teaching literacy in a structured way simple, efficient and successful. We know what it's like to feel wobbly. We know what it's like to have that quiet (or loud) voice of doubt whispering in our ears.  We also know how amazing it can to overcome our misconceptions and misgivings and keep moving forward. We want to share that feeling with you. 

You can make your structured literacy journey smoother in three simple steps: 

Live session covers (21)

Far too many teachers close their classroom doors, sigh deeply and feel like they just aren't good enough to make the changes that their schools are asking them to.  Every one of us has times where we look at the teachers around us, convinced that everyone but us has it all together and that we are the only ones struggling. It's just not true. 

Trying to go it alone as your redefine your teaching isn't necessary.  Imagine the relief of clearing up misconceptions that you've been holding on to and having a plan to move forward that will help you, not just feel, but also BE a successful teacher of structured literacy.  We are here to support you in making that a reality. 

In this 5 day email program you will:

- Clarify what you can expect in your journey towards structured literacy.

- Clear up misconceptions about explicit teaching and differentiation.

- Gain a greater understanding of evidence informed writing instruction.

- Learn about the factors that influence reading comprehension. 

- Clarify your thinking around creating a structured, connected literacy block. 

Making Sense of Structured Literacy - 5 session email

I'm just wondering...

Which grades is this program for?

While any teacher or school leader will gain benefit from this program, we are focusing on instruction from Foundation - Year 6

I don't think I'll have time to watch clips daily. Can I still sign up?

Yes! Our clips are between 10-15 minutes each so if you can't watch/listen to one on the day it is released, you can catch up any time you like.

Can I still attend the live session?

The live session for this program ran in mid 2023, however the recording will be sent to your inbox along with other clips. 

What is the cost for this program?

The Making Sense of Structured Literacy program is completely free for all participants. 

Can I keep the clips?

Clips will be sent to you in an email each day for 5 days.  You are more than welcome to save them to a folder in your inbox and watch them whenever you like or share them at staff meetings and in professional learning communities. 

Are there assignments or homework?

While we provide the opportunity for reflection throughout the program, how you experience your new learning is up to you.  There is no requirement for follow up work at all. 
